Perfect for all your pre-wedding beautifying needs...
Our suggestions for a relaxing wedding morning...
- The Coach Lounge is a complimentary extra and you have use of this room from 8am - 2pm. It is the perfect place for having hair and make-up done, taking those all important outfit photos, relaxing before your ceremony and maybe reading a note or card your fiancé has given you (hint hint). This room can be available for 7am for a £10 charge.
- We have toilets in the Coach House you are more than welcome to use until the honeymoon suite is ready. We do not have the facilities to wash your hair in the Coach Lounge so styling from dry, or washing at home before you arrive is best! Please note that we ask you not to cut any hair in the powder room.
- Treat yourself to brunch and bubbles! Our brunch platter includes pastries, sub rolls or bacon rolls, fruit, local fruit juice and we have a menu of celebratory drinks to choose from. Speak to your wedding coordinators about adding this to your package and pre-order a cocktail or a bottle of prosecco ready for when you arrive!